Gong Xi Fa Cai.!!!


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Pemerintah Propinsi DKI Jakarta



February 18, Kartika Sofyan Indonesian Trade & promotion Platform ITPP Jakarta; Today, millions of Chinese in Indonesia celebrate the Lunar New Year. It's their tradition to gather with their family, giving ang pau (red envelopes filled with money) to the younger members in the family, and pray for good fortune in year ahead. Since a few years ago, Chinese New Year (Imlek) got the official acknowledgment from the government. Malls and trade centers usually places to celebrate the feast in Jakarta; with Barongsai dance (a dance of several men wearing dragon costume) and red Chinese New Year's decorations.

It's Fire Pig year, this year. The animals of Chinese astrology are said to influence your luck during the year. Your luck in 2007 depends on which animal signifies the year you were born. Pigs are very good matches with tigers and sheep, but don't get along well with snakes and monkeys. Other; pigs, rabbits, horses, oxen, rats, roosters, dogs and dragons can make good companions, but the relationships are not always smooth or long lasting.

It's said that babies born in the year are fortunate and make good partners in life. The pig is modest, sometimes quick to anger but also quick to learn and hard working. Their ability to see things through brings success in business and personal affairs.

Heavy raining in Chinese New Year means fortune. But it hadn't been raining last night and neither today. But it sure brings comfort for those who have been being victims of Jakarta flood last week.